Szkolenie: Linux Fundamentals (GL120)
This is a challenging course that focuses on the fundamental tools and concepts of Linux and Unix. Students gain proficiency using the command line. Beginners develop a solid foundation in Unix, while advanced users discover patterns and fill in gaps in their knowledge. The course material is designed to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include basic file manipulation; basic and advanced filesystem features; I/O redirection and pipes; text manipulation and regular expressions; managing jobs and processes; vi, the standard Unix editor; automating tasks with shell scripts; managing software; secure remote administration; and more.
- Trenerzy praktycy
- Kameralne grupy
Czas trwania szkolenia:5 dni (40h)
Kod kursu:U8583S
Linux Fundamentals (GL120)
IDC MarketScape leader 5 years running for IT education and training
Recognized by IDC for leading with global coverage, unmatched technical expertise, and targeted education consulting services
Key partnerships with industry leaders OpenStack®, VMware®, Linux®, Microsoft®, ITIL, PMI, CSA, and SUSE
Complete continuum of training delivery options—self-paced eLearning, custom education consulting, traditional classroom, video on-demand instruction, live virtual instructor-led with hands-onlab, dedicated onsite training
Simplified purchase option with HPE Training Credits
Students should be comfortable with computers. No familiarity with Linux or other Unix operating systems is required.
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