Szkolenie: HPE Nimble I: Management and Local Replication

Using hands-on labs, this course teaches students how to perform common management tasks, including array installation, volume creation, and data protection/recovery using snapshots. This course also covers system monitoring basics using HPE InfoSight

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2400 PLN+23% VAT (2952 PLN brutto / 1 os.)

Czas trwania szkolenia:1 dzień (8h)

Poziom zaawansowania:

Kod kursu:HJ7C5S


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HPE Nimble I: Management and Local Replication

Cele szkolenia

  • Perform initial configuration of a new array with NSM and GUI

  • Perform post-installation tests

  • Create volumes and zero-copy clones

  • Attach and verify volumes/clones to Windows

  • Create and modify data protection policies for volumes

  • Restore volumes and individual files from a snapshot

  • Use the HPE Nimble GUI to monitor array capacity/performance

Dla kogo?

  • Customers, administrators and channel partner sales or technical sales


  • IDC MarketScape leader 5 years runnin for IT education and training

  • Recognized by IDC for leading with global coverage, unmatched technical expertise, and targeted education consulting services

  • Key partnerships with industry leaders OpenStack®, VMware®, Linux®, Microsoft®, ITIL, PMI, CSA, and SUSE

  • Complete continuum of training delivery options—self-paced eLearning, custom education consulting, traditional classroom, video on-demand instruction, live virtual instructor-led with hands-on lab, dedicated onsite training

  • Simplified purchase option with HPE Training Credits

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  • Materiały szkoleniowe

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  • W przypadku szkolenia w trybie stacjonarnym zapewnimy Ci również lunch oraz sprzęt niezbędny do nauki

Program szkolenia

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