Szkolenie: Certified Data Center Expert (CDCE®) Training with Exam
This five-day course is designed to prepare participants to analyze a given business case and perform technical evaluation for a project plan and a set of designs for implementation of a mission critical Data Center. The course also engages participants in product evaluations and demonstrates how to select equipment and develop equipment test scripts (IET) and integrated performance and validation testing (IPVT). CDCE builds upon knowledge gained in CDCP and CDCS® courses.
- Trenerzy praktycy
- Kameralne grupy
Czas trwania szkolenia:5 dni (40h)
Kod kursu:HK260S
Certified Data Center Expert (CDCE®) Training with Exam
Cele szkolenia
Choose an optimum site for mission critical Data Centers based on current and future needs.
Describe all components important for hi-availability in a Data Center and how to effectively setup the Data Center.
Understand the design lifecycle stages for Data Center build projects and the phasesinvolved in project execution.
Analyze a business case and develop a project brief that is aimed at fulfilling the business resilience, site selection and design requirementsfor a fit-for purpose and suitably redundant mission critical Data Center.
Conduct technical level design reviewsfor a given set of preliminary design documents and perform a technical compliance audit of a set offinal design development documents compliant to TIA standards.
Dla kogo?
The primary audience for this course is any IT, facilities or data center professional, who are involved in the design/build, renovation or relocation of a mission critical data center.
Praktyka przed teorią - wszystkie szkolenia technologiczne prowadzone są w formie warsztatowej. Konieczna teoria jest wyjaśniana na przykładzie praktycznych zadań
Konkretne umiejętności - w ramach każdego szkolenia rozwijamy praktyczne umiejętności związane z daną technologią i tematyką
Nauka z praktykami - wszyscy trenerzy na co dzień pracują w projektach, gwarantuje to dostęp do eksperckiej wiedzy i praktycznego know-how
Participants must hold a valid CDCS certificate (HK259S)in order to register for the CDCE class.
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