Szkolenie: PRINCE2® 7th edition Foundation and Practitioner with Exams
The course teaches the PRINCE2 controlled approach to managing projects, and is a mixture of input and practical sessions that convey the theory and application of methodology principles.
- Trenerzy praktycy
- Kameralne grupy
Czas trwania szkolenia:5 dni (40h)
Kod kursu:H6C26S
PRINCE2® 7th edition Foundation and Practitioner with Exams
Cele szkolenia
Understand the basic terms and concepts of PRINCE2 at a level sufficient to successfully pass PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner examinations
Know the seven PRINCE2 principles at a level sufficient to successfully pass PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner examinations
Know the seven PRINCE2 themes at a level sufficient to successfully pass PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner examinations
Know the seven PRINCE2 processes at a level sufficient to successfully pass PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner examinations
Complete example answers to typical Foundation and Practitioner examination question papers and receive constructive feedback from an Approved PRINCE2 Trainer
Discuss specific areas of PRINCE2 and devise exam strategies
Dla kogo?
This course is intended for any organization or individual seeing the need for a controlled approach to managing its/his projects
It is especially suitable for project managers, project support, team members and managers, from any discipline, who are responsible for assuring project success, and/ or senior managers who wish to understand how decision-support information is created and passed to appropriate managers. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development, and delivery of projects
Individuals seeking the PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner examination and certification
Praktyka przed teorią - wszystkie szkolenia technologiczne prowadzone są w formie warsztatowej. Konieczna teoria jest wyjaśniana na przykładzie praktycznych zadań
Konkretne umiejętności - w ramach każdego szkolenia rozwijamy praktyczne umiejętności związane z daną technologią i tematyką
Nauka z praktykami - wszyscy trenerzy na co dzień pracują w projektach, gwarantuje to dostęp do eksperckiej wiedzy i praktycznego know-how
The "PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner with exam" course is offered by HPE Poland ATO/AEO of AXELOS Limited. "PRINCE2® Foundation and Practitioner with exam" is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.
Attendees will be required to read Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (6th Edition) and prepare an individual list of topics for a more detailed study and discussion during the course. They should also be familiar with the structure, terminology, and philosophy of the Manual
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