We are playing with WOŚP!

Karolina Zadroga
Product Marketing Manager
Ikona kalendarza
15 stycznia 2020

The 28th finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity was already held on Sunday, January 12, 2020. As every year, we also join the action. See what we have prepared this time to support the Foundation's activities.


In cooperation with our trainers, we have two types of workshops to offer. The first is an individual training "CSS in practice", which will be conducted by Krzysztof Scira. It will certainly meet the expectations of all those who already know the basics of CSS, but want something more. The participant will learn the SASS/SCSS preprocessor, which will make working with styles faster and more pleasant, and the code simpler and easier to maintain. You can find all the details of the training and the opportunity to bid here.

We also have something for testing enthusiasts! Adam Matłacz and Joanna Lewandowska have prepared a workshop entitled. "Exploratory Testing Masterclass." It doesn't matter whether you are an experienced tester or just starting your adventure in this world. During the workshop, participants and the presenters will take a journey together to develop their testing competencies. They will also learn ways to systematize their exploration. More information and the opportunity to buy tickets is here.

All proceeds from the events will be donated to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. we play together!

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